
What is it?

Microphlebectomy is a technique used to extract segments of the diseased vein. It can be done after ultrasound guided sclerotherapy so the vein does not reopen or just by itself. Carried out through very tiny skin punctures under local anesthetic, it aims to remove large unsightly veins that can not be treated with laser or glue.

Why is it called ‘Microphlebectoy’?

Micro means really small, and indeed, the skin incisions are so small that can barely be seen. This reduces the risk of infection or scarring.

How is it done?

The surgeon will mark the vein trajectory and the points of access with you standing.

Your skin will then be disinfected, sterile towels will be placed around your leg, local anesthesia is given at the marked sites and tiny incisions are made with the scalpel or a needle to access the vein. The vein is gently grasped and pulled through these incisions and segments of it are resected (cut). The skin incisions are so tiny that they don’t usually require any sutures and they heal really well.

How about after?

We will place your custom compression stockings on at the end of the procedure and you will need to wear them for one or two days. You can go right back to regular activities, but no heavy physical exercise is advised for one week.

You may see some bruising and have some tenderness for one to two weeks. The small skin incisions rarely need sutures and usually heal with minimal scars. Our clinic can provide you with a specially-designed plant-based cream that has been shown to help bruising and staining. 

If you have any dressings they can be removed in a day or two, and in less than 6 weeks your legs will look and feel rejuvenated.