Until recently, tying off the veins at the groin level (high ligation) and surgically pulling them out through a number of incisions (stripping) have been the only treatments for disease of the main veins of the superficial venous system. This method is associated with risks related to general, spinal or epidural anesthesia, the possibility of scarring, damage to other vessels or nerves. There is generally more pain and downtime associated with this treatment as opposed to newer, less invasive methods of destroying the diseased truncal veins. This modality tends to result in a fairly high recurrence rate of varicose veins.
After a vein stripping procedure, the leg was wrapped in tight bandages for days and compression stockings were used for 6 weeks. The surgery was painful and required general or spinal anesthetic and bruising was usually extensive. Advances in medical science and technology allows us to offer procedures that allows you to return to activity immediately, are done in an outpatient clinic, and are safe, efficient and well tolerated.