If you are experiencing unsightly visible veins or/and discomfort, heaviness and swelling in the legs then you may be suffering from a condition called Chronic Venous Insufficiency that causes varicose veins. This condition tends to progress over time.
The role of the veins is to carry oxygen-poor blood towards the heart. On the inner walls of the veins there are symmetrically positioned valves, little flaps, that simultaneously open and close to push the blood forward toward the heart. When these little flaps are not working properly then the blood leaks and pools which causes the affected veins to retain the blood in the veins. This is called reflux or Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). The video animation below perfectly illustrates how Chronic Venous Insufficiency occurs.
The development of this vein disease varies from patient to patient, and in most cases, it can’t be predicted. Some patients experience very mild symptoms that barely change over the years; for others, the symptoms can worsen dramatically in a short period of time. Some triggers can worsen the symptoms, like pregnancy, sudden weight gain, prolonged sedentary lifestyle, or some medical conditions.